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      How to Get a Smaller Waist

      “How do I get a smaller waist?”

      If you’re here on the Orchard Corset website, this is probably a question that you have already asked yourself at least once before, and if not that, you’ve probably wondered, “Can a waist trainer make my waist smaller?” It’s one of the most common questions that we get here at OC Headquarters. The good news is that if you are looking for the answer to this question, you are absolutely in the right place!

      Waist training is not a magical process that is going to give you results overnight. It won’t automatically cinch your waist in forever, and it won’t melt the fat from your abdomen. It’s definitely a process, and the kind that requires more than just the occasional lacing up and cinching in.

      Getting a smaller waist through corseting or waist training is absolutely possible, and you can see some of the results yourself here on our Waist Training Before vs After page! We’ve broken down the process to getting a smaller waist into three easy steps: get the right size, be consistent, and listen to your body.

      As always, our amazing corset experts are always available to help answer any questions you may have.

      Chat with a corset expert

      Step One: Get in the right size!

      The only way that you’re going to be able to wear your corset comfortably and consistently is if you make sure that you get yourself in the right style and size. Just like each body is different, there are also different styles of corsets that are best suited for you.

      If you’re feeling overwhelmed with all of the size and style options, not to worry! We have sizing experts available to go over your measurements with you 7 days a week, and if you’re feeling a little shy, we also have a sizing calculator that can go over your measurements; though, we always recommend chatting with a sizing expert just to be sure!

      Step Two: Be consistent!

      One of the most important steps to having a successful waist training journey (and the easiest to overlook) is consistency. Consistent seasoning and wear of your corset is going to give you the best chance at the results that you’re looking for. Of course, everybody’s body is different, which means that the rate at which you see results is going to depend in part on your own body.

      Typically, we see that seasoning and closing your corset fully can take around two weeks’ time, and that regular wear of your corset to maintain the shape you’re looking for is just as important as the original seasoning process. The nice thing about waist training is that your body has a sort of muscle memory to the whole thing; so, if you end up taking a break for a while and your results start going backwards, when you start cinching again, you’ll usually get your results back much faster than it took for you to get to that point the first time around!

      Check out how consistent waist training has paid off for real customers just like you:

      Step Three: Listen to your body!

      Getting in the most ideal corset fit is going to mean that not only will you get the most life and longevity out of your corset, but more importantly, that you’re going to be able to wear your corset consistently without pain or discomfort. Waist training should never be painful! If you’re experiencing pain when you lace up and cinch down, you may be over-tightening or the style and size that you’re in may just not be right for you.

      We know that our customers typically see the best results in reducing their waist when they pair consistent wear of their most ideal fit with a good diet and exercise. We don’t recommend wearing your steel-boned corset while you work out, but in the hours that you aren’t wearing it, doing abdominal exercises included in your regular work-out regimen is what typically provides the best results. Avoiding foods that cause you to bloat (such as carbonated beverages, fast food, or anything with a lot of grease or salt) and alcohols; while cinched in, alcohol feels like it’s not really affecting you that much, but once you unlace it will likely hit you much quicker--and all at once, too. (Just a little tip from us to you!)

      Waist training can definitely give you the results that you’re looking for; a smaller waist, a curvier silhouette, or even just a healthier lifestyle. At the end of the day, you’re going to get the most ideal results when you exercise patience and practice what we like to call “safe and sane” corseting practices. Making sure that you aren’t rushing the process and you’re giving your body the time that it needs is vital: after all, seasoning your corset isn’t just about getting your corset used to your body, it’s getting your body used to the corset.

      Following these easy tips and tricks can help make sure your waist training journey is a safe and empowering one. Don’t forget, too, that we here at OC are here to help you even after your corseting journey has begun, and to cheer you on every step of the way!